Birth Doula Certification

Birth Doula Certification Requirements

All training for initial certification must have been completed within the past five years. Continuing education for certification renewals needs to be completed within the renewal period.
  • An NCB approved foundational birth doula training that includes the core competencies of:
    • Perinatal counseling and support services
    • Labor support
    • Infant care
  • Four (4) Hours of NCB approved training in Trauma-Informed Care (TIC)
  • Six (6) hours of NCB approved training in Cultural Competence/Cultural Humility
  • One (1) hour of NCB approved training in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
  • CPR Certification: Current adult and infant CPR certification
  • Experience: Attendance at a minimum of one birth within the past 5 years, with a recommendation submitted to NCB by the birthing individual (via Certemy credentialing management system)
  • Code of Ethics: The applicant must agree to adhere to the Nevada Certification Board’s birth doula specific code of ethics.
  • Residency Requirements:  The applicant must live or work in Nevada at least 50% of the time to be certified by the Nevada Certification Board and maintain that certification.
  • Cost of Certification: $100
  • Recertification: A renewal fee of $50 and 20 hours of continuing education in the Nevada Birth Doula Competencies earned every two years and proof of current adult and infant CPR certification.

For all continuing education hours, please submit a certificate of attendance or participation from an approved training organization that includes the following information:

    • Name of training organization(s) and/or sponsor(s)
    • Title of training/conference
    • Date(s) of training/conference
    • Name of participant/attendee
    • Hours of attendance/participation

For all NCB initial applications and certification renewals, please allow up to ten (10) business days for approvals of any application steps/submissions in your online application in the Certemy system. If you have been waiting for more than ten (10) business days, please email NCB at