Approved Prevention Specialist Trainings
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)
- Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners
- Opioid Overdose Prevention and Infectious Disease Control: Opportunities for Collaboration
- Pharmacology for Prevention Specialists (4-Part Series)
- Preventing Underage Cannabis Use: Risk/Protective Factors & Effective Communication
- The Evolution of State Cannabis Policies: Where Prevention Fits In
- Today’s Marijuana: Stronger, More Edibles, Confusing Information about Driving
- Substance Use and the Developing Brain
Cultural Competency/Cultural Humility
- Digital Girls: Confession, Connection, and Disconnection (1.5 hours)
- Food for Thought (1.5 hours)
- Girls and Substance Use: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities (1.5 hours)
- Growing Up Girl: Adolescent Development and the Unique Issues Facing Girls
- Moving Beyond Cultural Competence to Cultural Intelligence (2.5 hours)
Please see the Larson Institute’s Catalog for free cultural competency (cultural humility/sensitivity) archived webinars and training. You must create a free account to access training. - Self-Paced Nevada Cultural Competency Training ($130, 10 hours)
- The Girl in the Mirror: Behavioral Health of Adolescent Girls (1.5 hours)
- Weaving Success: Evaluation in Indian Country (7 modules)
- Why Health Equity Matters in Prevention (2 hours)
Pre-SAPST Requirement
- Introduction to Substance Abuse Prevention: Understanding the Basics (Pre-SAPST Course) (5 hours) This training is a requirement for initial prevention specialist certification
Prevention Domains
- 10-Steps of Policy Change (1.5 hours)
- A Primer on Social Determinants of Health (1 hour)
- Best Practices in Online Data Collection (1.5 hours)
- Coalition Best Practices (2 hours)
- Demystifying Data: Gathering and Using Local Risk and Protective Factor Data for Prevention – PART I
- Demystifying Data: Gathering and Using Local Risk and Protective Factor Data for Prevention – PART II
- Early Childhood Development: Toxic Stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Ética en la Prevención: Guía para los Profesionales de la Prevención del Abuso de Sustancias (ritmo propio) (3 hours)
- Evidence Based Practices: Implementation with Fidelity and Sustainability (3-part series)
- Evidence-Based Programs (EBPs) Overview (one hour of a 3-part series)
- Geospatial Academy for Prevention Professionals I: Introduction to GIS (2.5 hours)
- Identifying & Selecting Evidence Based Practices for the Local Community: A Closer Look (one hour of a 3-part series)
- Informing Prevention: Adolescent 6-Part Webinar Series (1 hour per module, 6 hours total)
- Intro to 508 Compliance: Understanding the Importance of Accessibility in Prevention (1 hour)
Introduction to Adolescent SBIRT from a Prevention Perspective - Introduction to the Prevention Core Competencies (Approx. 5.5 hours)
- Logic Models: Mapping Your Prevention Efforts (2 hours)
- Minecraft, not Ms. Pac-Man: Transforming Prevention Presentations for Today’s Audience (1.5 hours)
- Prevention in Action Series: Teaching the SAPST at a University (1 hour)
- Prevention Science Foundation: Shared Risk and Protective Factors (7 hours)
- Prevention Specialist Performance Domains (3 hours)
- Selecting Prevention Programming and Interventions (4 hours)
- Self-Care in a Selfless Field (1 hour)
- The Social Determinants of Health (3 hours)
- Understanding Prevention’s Role in Harm Reduction (2 hours)
- Using Adolescent Development to Inform Prevention Practice: Brain and Behavior (1 hour)
- What Does Not Work in Prevention (2 hours)
- Who’s Doing What? The Epidemiology of Adolescent Substance Use (1 hour)
- Working Virtually with Youth Prevention Leaders (1.5 hours)
Prevention Ethics
- Advanced Ethics for Prevention Professionals (2 hours)
- Ethics in Prevention Foundations: A Guide for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners (self-paced) (3 hours for certification renewal only – This is part of the moderated 6-hour initial prevention ethics class)
Suicide Prevention
- A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention (2 hours)
- Beyond Numbers: Navigating Data for Suicide Prevention (3 hours)
- Locating and Understanding Data for Suicide Prevention (2 hours)
- Suicide Prevention Across the Educational Continuum: A Five-Part Series (5)
- Safety Planning for Youth Suicide Prevention (1 hour)
School-based Prevention
- Classroom WISE: Well-Being Information and Strategies for Educators (5 hours)
- Cultivating Compassionate School Communities that Respond to Trauma Effectively (12 hours)
- Cultural Inclusiveness and Equity (CIE) WISE (2 hours)
All training for initial certification must have been completed within the past five years. Continuing education for certification renewals needs to be completed within the renewal period.