Pre-Approved, Self-Paced Training Options for CHWs
For general continuing education and renewal credits in the Nevada CHW Competencies, please see Continuing Education Resources for All Certifications and Subscribe to our Mailing List for continuing education opportunities for certifications and renewals!
Behavioral Health Training (mental health and/or substance use)
- Basics of Pharmacology and Alcohol (1.5 hours)
- Basics of Pharmacology and Cannabis (1.5 hours)
- Basics of Pharmacology and Opioids (1.5 hours)
- Basics of Pharmacology and Psychostimulants (Cocaine & Methamphetamine) (1.5 hours)
- Co-Occurring 101 for Community Health workers and Peer Recovery Support Specialists ( 1.5 hours)
- COVID-19’s Impact on Mental Health in Immigrant Communities (1 hour)
- Digital Girls: Confession, Connection, and Disconnection (1.5 hours)
- Empowering Wellness in Mental Health: Helping People with their Lifestyle Changes (1 hour)
- Engagement, Education, Resources, and Empowerment: The Essential Role of Community Health Workers in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic Webinar 1 (1 hour)
- Engagement, Education, Resources, and Empowerment: The Essential Role of Community Health Workers in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic Webinar 2 (1 hour)
- Girls and Substance Use: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities (1.5 hours)
- Growing Up Girl: Adolescent Development and the Unique Issues Facing Girls (1.5 hours)
- Opioid Use and Misuse in Women and Girls: Factors, Signs and Next Steps (1.5 hours)
- Raising Awareness and Offering Help for Mental Health and Substance Use
- Religion, Spirituality and Mental Health (1.5 hours)
- Substance Use Disorders in Special Populations (series)
- Suicide Prevention Across the Educational Continuum: A Five-Part Series (series)
- The Girl in the Mirror: Behavioral Health of Adolescent Girls (1.5 hours)
- Trauma-Informed Conversations (45 minutes)
Cultural Competency/Cultural Humility
- COVID-19’s Impact on Mental Health in Immigrant Communities (1 hour)
- Deepening Your Impact, Part II: Considerations When Choosing Voices and How to Use Relatable Language (1 hour)
- Digital Girls: Confession, Connection, and Disconnection (1.5 hours)
- Engaging Indigenous Communities in Health Equity Activities
- Food for Thought (1.5 hours)
- Growing Up Girl: Adolescent Development and the Unique Issues Facing Girls (1.5 hours)
- Moving Beyond Cultural Competence to Cultural Intelligence (2.5 hours)
- Please see the Larson Institute’s Catalog for free cultural competency (cultural humility/sensitivity) archived webinars and training. You must create a free account to access training.
- Principles of Health Equity (1 hour)
- Self-Paced Nevada Cultural Competency Training ( 10 hours)
- Substance Use Disorders in Special Populations (series)
- Weaving Success: Evaluation in Indian Country (7 modules)
General Continuing Education in the CHW Competencies
Cardea also has hybrid training for CHWs on set dates. Please see: Cardea Training for CHWs
- An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing (1 hour)
- Beyond Seizures and Epilepsy: Community Health Worker Training (1 hour)
- How do I Help my Clients Make Changes to Improve Their Health? An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing (1 hour)
- Integration of Community Health Workers Into a Community Health Center Pharmacy (1 hour)
- Introduction to Outreach Methods and Strategies (1.5 hours)
- Introduction to Interviewing for CHWs (45 minutes)
- Use of Public Health Concepts and Approaches (2 hours)
- Introducción a los Métodos y Estrategias de Alcance (1 hour)
- Postpartum Depression: How CHWs Can Help (1.5 hours)
- Presentation and Facilitation Skills (2 hours)
- Sanctuary and Support for Girls in Crisis (1.5 hours)
- Self-Management for Chronic Conditions: Helping Clients to Help Themselves (2.5 hours)
- STI 101: Basics of Sexually Transmitted Infections (2 hours)
- Talking with Teens About Contraceptives (1 hour)
- The Next Normal: Children’s Health (1.25 hours)
- The Role of Community Health Workers in Addressing Diabetes (1 hour)
- The Role of Community Health Workers in the Prevention of Diabetes, Part 1, 2018 (1 hour)
- The Role of Community Health Workers in the Prevention of Diabetes, Part 2, 2018 (1 hour)
- Trauma-Informed Conversations (45 minutes)
- Understanding and Addressing Hypertension as a Community Health Worker (1 hour)
- Working With Teens to Prevent Unplanned Pregnancies: Starting the Conversation (1 hour)
Health Equity
- Addressing the Healthcare Needs of Transgender and Non-Binary People (1.5 hours)
- An examination of Harm Reduction during the COVID 19 Pandemic through an Anti -Racist Lens: A Discussion Based Webinar (1 hour)
- Antiracism as Health Policy (Part 1) (1.5 hours)
- Antiracism as Health Policy (Part 3) (1.5 hours)
- COVID-19’s Impact on Mental Health in Immigrant Communities (1 hour)
- Digital Girls: Confession, Connection, and Disconnection (1.5 hours)
- Engaging Indigenous Communities in Health Equity Activities (30 minutes)
- Insecure Housing, Homelessness, and Health (1.5 hours)
- Lead Testing in Tribal Schools and Childcare Centers (1.5 hours)
- Please see the Larson Institute’s Catalog for free health equity archived webinars and training. You must create a free account to access training.
- Principles of Health Equity (1 hour)
- Substance Use Disorders in Special Populations (series)
- The Social Determinants of Health (3 hours)
- Why Health Equity Matters in Prevention (2 hours)
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Self-Care/Burnout Prevention
- CHW Webinar: Trauma Informed Self Care and Community Care during a Pandemic (1 hour)
- Self-Care in a Selfless Field (1 hour)
- The Sisyphus Curse: The Relentless Work of Public Health: How to Survive and Thrive (1 hour)
- MACHW Workshops: Exploring Mental Health Strategies to Cope with Everyday Stress (1.5 hours)
- MACHW Workshops: Self Care, Caring for Ourselves and Others (1.5 hours)
- MACHW Workshops: Wellness and Health as Public Workers (1.5 hours)
All training for initial certification must have been completed within the past five years. Continuing education for certification renewals needs to be completed within the renewal period.