Certified Community Health Worker (CHW)​

Continuing Education for Certified Community Health Workers

Pre-Approved, Self-Paced Training Options for CHWs

For general continuing education and renewal credits in the Nevada CHW Competencies, please see Continuing Education Resources for All Certifications and Subscribe to our Mailing List for continuing education opportunities for certifications and renewals!

Behavioral Health Training (mental health and/or substance use)

Cultural Competency/Cultural Humility

General Continuing Education in the CHW Competencies

Cardea also has hybrid training for CHWs on set dates. Please see: Cardea Training for CHWs


Health Equity

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Self-Care/Burnout Prevention

All training for initial certification must have been completed within the past five years. Continuing education for certification renewals needs to be completed within the renewal period.