Birth Doula Certification

Foundational Training

Required Training for Initial Birth Doula Certification

  • An NCB approved foundational birth doula training that includes the core competencies of:
    • Perinatal counseling and support services
    • Labor support
    • Infant care
  • Cultural competency/Cultural humility (a minimum of six hours)
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance (a minimum of 30 minutes)
  • Trauma informed care (a minimum of four hours)
  • All training for initial certification must have been completed within the past five years
  • Continuing education for certification renewals needs to be completed within the renewal period

Please note, if your foundational birth doula training does not include the minimum hours required for cultural competency/cultural humility, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance, or trauma informed care, you must complete one or more separate trainings in that topic.

Approved Foundational Training in the Core Competencies (Perinatal Counseling and Support Services, Labor Support, and Infant Care)

Approved Additional Topics Options

Cultural Competency/Cultural Humility

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Trauma Informed Care

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